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Free Trial: Online Mat Pilates Session

Practice the mastery of core strength and flexibility with private online sessions in the comfort of your own home.

Clio Flores,

Pilates Instructor, New York

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See Recommendations
From My Students

“At the beginning I was very skeptical that I would enjoy practicing pilates online, but it’s amazing! My motivation has got much stronger and I have improved my technique in such a short time. Thanks Clio!“
Noreen Martin
“I love working out with Clio! She is an amazing pilates instructor. Always keeps me challenged and I never get bored. I’ve been practicing Pilates for many years and Clio is definitely one of the best!“
Sarah Washington

Customized Mat Pilates Sessions Online

Challenging mat pilates workouts, for all levels, to empower mind and body. Try your first session for free!